On Traveling


Wander? Lust?

Its easy to hear the word “wander” but not so with “lust”

Generation Y, We millenials wonder why

Why 9-5 jobs, why stay?

Its so cool to wander around now, to go travel without purpose

or even, “to find yourself”.


just another way to define us Millenials, Generation Me

Wanderlust is the longing to travel the world, but for what purpose? I’ve been learning about traveling throughout my life, always moving and always with reason. God constantly shows me such an amazing view on traveling.

It was a brisk dawn walk, but in my heart it was a journey. Going to and from places I longed to go to and places I dreamt of. I long to travel, but not with the misconceived word that is wanderlust. It doesn’t have to happen. It doesn’t have to give my life meaning. It does need to be focused on God, or else there is no point of traveling to me. With God being the focus of my dreams, I can go anywhere without a second thought. It gives me strength to know that I will be blessing someone or helping someone get closer to God when I travel. I was brought back to my trip to Holland, which was the polar opposite. I had a good time, but that wasn’t it. I just didn’t feel rested or even peaceful throughout the trip. Peace wasn’t really a thought I had until the last day when I walked around praying for the city. My mother always taught me two key things. Always do things you love for God’s glory and to always pray for the places you go to because God brought you there for a reason, not just to have fun.

Until that moment I felt no peace or true joy. That moment has changed the way I travel. Which is why this recent road trip I took for almost the same amount of time as Amsterdam was pure joy. Praying for the youth, the families, and even just the blessed land that they get to live in. We hiked up to a mountain (yes it was a real mountain) called Siggjo, and on the summit we could overlook the whole Island and I took some time while standing next to my camera to thank God and pray blessing and protection over the land. THAT was the best part of the trip. Just the fact that I am constantly reminded to pray for everything, makes me happy.

I long for the day when I get to see my close friends and family

That day will come. I worry, I pray for them

Yet I have to remind myself to keep my focus on where God has placed me in the present.

To give my all, my very best to YWAM Rogaland.

God has brought me here and not by chance

So I’ll give my all to help his children here, and learn a thing or two on the way.





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